SDK Integration

This section provides detailed information on how to integrate the Netcetera 3DS SDK into an Android Application or Library.

Gradle Setup

As a first step, the Netcetera Android 3DS SDK needs to be declared as dependency to the Application or Library. That can be done using Gradle, via Maven repository or referencing it as local artefact.

Via Maven Repository

The best way of including the 3DS SDK into your Android Application or Library can be done by publishing the AAR and POM files to a private Maven repository.

Once it has been published, in the Application’s or Library’s declare dependency on it:

dependencies {
  implementation ''

Via Local Artefact

To avoid publishing to Maven repository, the AAR artefact can be included as local library to the project. In this case, all the dependencies will need to be adeded manually.

Steps to be performed:

  • Add the provided 3ds-sdk-2.0.0.aar artefact to the libs/ directory of your Application or Library. For example, for Application module named app, this directory would be aap/libs/.
  • Add the Netcetera Android 3DS SDK dependency in the Application or Library build.gradle file:
dependencies {
  implementation files('libs/3ds-sdk-1.0.0.aar')
  • Add the external dependencies as described in Dependencies chapter.

Ensuring TLS 1.2 Support for Android 4.4

The EMVCo 3DS Specification mandates that TLS 1.2 is used for secure communication between the 3DS Components. From Android 4.1, TLS 1.2 is supported, but due to the nature of the Android OS, there are devices where this is not the case.

To ensure support for TLS 1.2 on Android 4.4, the Security Provider of the Android device needs to be patched with Google Play GMS Security Provider. If it is required, the Netcetera 3DS SDK will try to perform the patch.

In order the Netcetera 3DS SDK to be able to perform this patch, it requires Google Play Services API. Least intrusive way to do this, is to include Google Play Service Base.

License Setup

To define the license, use the ConfigParameters.addParameters(...) with the following arguments:

Argument Value
group null
paramName "license-key"
paramValue The content of the license file.
configParameters.addParam(null, "license-key", "eyJhbGciOiJ...");

Android Studio Javadoc Setup

In order for Android Studio to be able to show Javadoc for the API of the Netcetera Android 3DS SDK, it needs to include the 3ds-sdk-javadoc.jar that was delivered as part of the delivery package.

For including, please follow this steps:

  • Open the External Libraries in the Android Studio tree-view
  • Locate the Android Netcetera 3DS SDK library
  • Right click and open Library Properties...
  • Using the ‘+’ button, add the delivered Javadoc. It will be automatically detected as Javadoc type.


Certain external dependencies need to be provided in order for the Netcetera Android 3DS SDK to work as intended. These required dependencies with their exact version are listed in the delivered Maven POM file.

If this SDK was included in the project Via Maven Repository, the gradle build system will include the external dependencies automatically and they don’t need to be included in the build.gradle file.

Name Website License
Findbugs JSR305 Apache 2.0
Apache Commons Apache 2.0
Simple Logging Facade for Java MIT license
jose.4.j Apache 2.0
Bouncy Castle MIT license
OkHttp Apache 2.0
Picasso Apache 2.0
Android-TiffBitmapFactory MIT license

Code Optimizing and Obfuscating

In order the Netcetera Android 3DS SDK to work as intended, the bytecode of the provided SDK shall not be modified in any way. The simplest way of achieving this is to exclude everything from optimization and obfuscation in the com.netcetera.threeds.sdk package.

Besides configuring the optimization and obfuscation for the SDK, a configuration optimization and obfuscation for the dependencies of the SDK shall be added. A configuration for each dependency in the Dependencies shall be added.

Sample Proguard configuration can be found in the Netcetera Demo Merchant and the source code of it.