Netcetera iOS 3DS SDK - Release Notes - Version

Published: 07.10.2020

Version is a minor release of the Netcetera iOS 3DS SDK.


This version contains a breaking change that only affects the integrators that manually integrate the SDK (see breaking changes below).

Breaking changes

New features

  • Pre-configured JCB certificates into the SDK
  • Added utility API DsRidValues that contains the DS RIDs for the SDK Pre-configured Schemes


Bug fixes

  • The locale passed in the initialization of the SDK is now used in the device data part of the authentication request parameters
  • The SDK will no longer throw an error if some of the URLs for the different challenge image resolutions are missing in the challenge response
  • Fixed an issue where the SDK was providing the reference number used in the first transaction for all of the following transactions
  • Fixed an issue where the reinitialization of an already cleaned up ThreeDS2ServiceSDK object was not working properly

Documentation updates