Netcetera iOS 3DS SDK - Release Notes - Version

Published: 06.09.2021

Version is a minor release of the Netcetera iOS 3DS SDK.

Important Note: Mastercard’s and Visa’s certificates that are pre-bundled in the 3DS SDK will not be valid after October 31. The card networks, Visa and Mastercard, mandate that new certificates should be updated by October 31st. For this purpose, by October 31st, the Netcetera 3DS SDK integrators that use the pre-bundled certificates, must update and use this version of the 3DS SDK. Please note that the Amex certificate will also expire on December 3rd. Amex will provide the new certificate in October and once the certificate is available, we will provide new 3DS SDK release.


This version is fully backwards compatible with the previous version of the Netcetera iOS 3DS SDK.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when copy() was called on some of the objects provided by the SDK
  • Fixed a bug where the the integrator could receive a callback from the ChallengeStatusReceiver before the dismissal of the SDK’s challenge screen
  • Fixed a bug where the SDK was failing to find the UIApplicationDelegate window when the integrating application was using SceneDelegate
  • Fixed handling of some HTML challenge forms

Documentation updates