Netcetera Android 3DS SDK - Release Notes - Version

Published: 20.12.2022

Version is a minor release of the Netcetera Android 3DS SDK 2.


This version is fully backwards compatible with the previous version of the Netcetera Android 3DS SDK.

New features

  • Bridging Message Extension support for EMVCo Protocol Version 2.2.0


  • Support for Android 13 (API Level 33)
  • Updated the UnionPay Public(Encryption) certificate
  • Included additional pre-configured Mastercard Root Public certificate
  • Included additional HTML Challenge Flow fallback options
  • Obfuscation and protection improvements
  • Refactored the Netcetera Android 3DS SDK Demo Application architecture and migrated to Kotlin

Bug fixes

  • Fixed wrong fallback resolution of UiCustomization when no size value was provided

Documentation updates