Netcetera 3DS Server - Release Notes - Version


Published: 14.04.2022

Version is a minor release of the Netcetera 3DS Server.

For documentation about this release please refer to the documentation site.


This version is backwards compatible with previous 2.5.x.x versions of the Netcetera 3DS Server.

Important notification

Elasticsearch notification

The Elasticsearch index model is not valid causing not working statistics tab, i.e. clients should not start using Elasticsearch with version Clients that have started using Elasticsearch prior version are not affected. If you plan to start using Elasticsearch with, please use the patch version.

SchemeId notification

Please be aware that, in order to resolve requests in which a card is existent in more than one scheme (e.g. global and domestic), a schemeId is necessary to be sent in the authentication request. If we receive a request without the schemeId for which the BIN was found in multiple schemes, we fail the transaction. We're currently working on an improvement of the versioning response which contains better visibility of schemes in which a card was found.

Final CRes logging changes

Since this version we are no longer saving the final CRes messages in the storage. That means that the final CRes message will no longer be visible in the Admin UI search transactions tab.

In addition, please consider the following changes before September 1st, 2022, because they will be effective as of this date.

Deprecation of several old DB versions used for the Netcetera 3DS Server

We’re planning to deprecate the following DB versions:

  • PostgreSQL 9.6 (next minimum supported is 12)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (next minimum supported is 2019)

EhCache decommissioning

EhCache version 2 that we are currently using is no longer updated by EhCache. Therefore, we will decommission EhCache. Other alternatives are already available, such as Redis and Database caching.

Deprecation of 3DS Admin built-in users’ authentication

As announced in November 2021 the 3DS Admin built-in users' authentication (i.e. internal mode of users' authentication) will be deprecated. Starting with the Netcetera 3DS Server v. the 3DS Admin is now able to be integrated with an OIDC provider. Customers should use external OIDC provider for authenticating their users. Find more information under 3DS Admin OIDC support.

End-of-support for Java 11

With Java 17 being the new version, we’re announcing the end-of-support for Java 11. This will happen from January 1st, 2023, therefore, please plan any necessary activities on your side by the end of 2022.


New Features

  • Added new OpenAPI Documents in json and yaml formats. For more details and to download the files check OpenAPI Definition.


  • Added base64 validation for the acsSignedContent field in Authentication Response.
  • Storing of the 3DS Method completion data is now done only when the threedsmethod.completion-indicator.internal-resolving.enabled property is set to true and not otherwise.
  • Admin UI / Certificates Store: Added option to download trust certificates.
  • Admin UI / Search Transactions: Added new possibility to filter the transactions by issuer bin (the first six digits of the account number). This change is applicable for the transactions executed from this version onwards.
  • Decreased time to export file from transaction search in the Admin UI.
  • Added Excel export limit because Excel can only show a max of 1,048,576 rows.
  • Changed the default value of the batch size when exporting transaction logs to 100000 when using database. When ES is used, we use fixed value of 10000.
  • Significantly improve ranges search performance by using binary search.
  • In multi tenant setup Directory Server configuration is always picked up from default organization while preparing a PReq.

Bug Fixes

  • Added max value validation on the ThreeDSMethod Timeout input field under the 3DS Server Timeout Configuration in the Admin UI.
  • Sorted the organizations alphabetically in the drop-down lists in the Admin UI.
  • Fixed the missing threeDsServerTransId from the PReq when it's being resent as a part of the retry mechanism.
  • Fix problems with some transactions not being saved in the storage during Challenge.
  • Fixed bug when creating / updating domain configuration, the schemes are merged with schemes from default organization that has already validated domain configuration.
  • Fixed the validation of the country code field such that value 900 is permitted.