3DS Requestor ID and Name Guidelines

Each DS provides rules for 3DS Requestor ID and 3DS Requestor Name. The 3DS Requestor is responsible for providing the 3DS Requestor ID and 3DS Requestor Name according to the DS rules. These two values are mandatory, therefore they should be either configured for each Merchant Acquirer in 3DS Server Admin UI or should be passed in the transaction payload as part of the Merchant data.

Schemes have different recommendations when it comes to the values the threeDSRequestorName and threeDSRequestorID should have. The following is a brief summary of the guidelines, for more details please check with the respective scheme.


Visa requires a unique 3DS Requestor ID and 3DS Requestor Name be assigned to each merchant and sent in the Authentication Request (AReq) using a self-assignment process.

Self-assigned 3DS Requestor IDs must use the following format containing of 3 parts (e.g. 12345678*ABC2355):

  • Part 1 — ID Creator’s Visa BID 8 characters
  • Part 2 — "*" 1 character
  • Part 3 — Merchant Identifier 26 variable, alpha-numeric characters, no special characters. Left up to the ID creator to define.
  • maximum length 35 characters

Self-assigned 3DS Requestor Names can have variable length, with a maximum of 40 characters (e.g. "ABC Merchant Inc."):

Non-Direct Clients, i.e. merchants connecting through 3rd parties (e.g. Gateways, Payment Facilitators, Processors, Merchant Aggregator etc.) can assign the 3DS Requestor ID and Names for the clients that they directly manage OR the 3rd party can work with their 3DS Server provider(s) to assign 3DS Requestor IDs and 3DS Requestor Names to their clients.

3DS Requestor IDs and 3DS Requestor Names do not need to be registered with Visa, there are no forms needed or required.


Currently there is no validation in place for 3DS Requestor ID and 3DS Requestor Name values. However, ideally these values would be used to identify unique merchants in a Aggregator/Payment Facilitator model.

3DS Requestor ID:

  • Every 3DS Server will be assigned a Mastercard DS defined Requestor ID prefix at time of onboarding. This prefix will be of length = 9 alphanumeric characters and will end with an underscore (_).
    • Recommendation: 3DS server defined ID for merchant connecting directly to the 3DS Server could be Merchant's MID.
  • 3DS server defined ID for scenario where merchants are connected through third parties, organization, Gateways, Merchant Aggregators, and so forth, must be such that 3DS Server is able to identify the parties down to the merchant level.

3DS Requestor Name:

  • This name must be in the format: '3DS Server name_requesting entity'.
  • The '3DS Server name' must match the name registered in the Mastercard DS at time of onboarding (3DS Server Company Name).
  • The 'requesting entity' can be name of merchant connecting directly to the 3DS Server, or name of third party/organization/ Gateway/Merchant Aggregator's (whichever is applicable).

American Express

The 3DS Requestor IDs have been simplified per the below table and may not need to be unique to each merchant.

3DS Requestor TypeDescriptionMerchant/Non-MerchantMessage Category
MERGeneral MerchantMerchant01-PA, 02-NPA
AGGAggregatorMerchant01-PA, 02-NPA
JCBJCB-Acquired MerchantMerchant01-PA, 02-NPA
OTAOnline Travel AgencyMerchant01-PA, 02-NPA
OPTOptBlue SellerMerchant01-PA, 02-NPA
WALDigital WalletNon-Merchant02-NPA

Diners / Discover

Each Requestor ID and Name should be unique based on the merchant processing the transaction. The validity of the data being submitted cannot currently be validated as Diners would not be able to confirm that the information being submitted is actually the same as the merchant processing the transaction. Within the production environment, there should not be dummy information submitted as whoever is processing the transaction should always know who the actual merchant is.

Guidelines for the 3DS Requestor ID format (e.g. CLIENTID_123456789ABCDEFG):

  • Length is variable up to 35 Characters. Contains 3 parts.
  • Part 1: 8 characters DGN Client ID is a unique value assigned to the submitter and remains static
  • Part 2: 1 character _ (underscore)
  • Part 3: Variable up to 26 maximum characters. Identifies the merchant and is designated by the Requestor. Must be unique to each merchant.


The Acquirer shall register the 3DS Requestor ID to the 3DS Server so that the DS can identify the 3DS Requestor. The 3DS Requestor ID will be automatically assigned when the Acquirer registers the Acquirer Merchant ID in J/Secure2.0 Merchant Information Maintenance Web.

The format of 3DS Requestor ID is numbered with "Acquirer BIN + 'MCT' + Acquirer Merchant ID (15 digits)" ('MCT' is just a Fixed value). Example: if the Acquirer BIN is "12345" and the Acquirer Merchant ID is "67890", then the 3DS Requestor ID will be "12345MCT67890".

Regarding the 3DS Requestor Name, there are no special restrictions.


3DS Requestor ID:

  • If transaction is processed by a CB acquirer NOT for a payment/enrolment with a Wallet approved by CB:
    • SIRET (Company registration number) of the 3DS Requestor (numeric value of 14 characters)
  • If transaction is processed by a CB acquirer for a payment/enrolment with a Wallet approved by CB:
    • SIRET (Company registration number) of the 3DS Requestor + 'Wallet ID' of the approved Wallet (numeric value of 20 characters)
  • If transaction is NOT processed by a CB acquirer:
    • The DS-CB does not assign 3DS Requestor IDs as defined by EMVCo, and this field is set by the 3DS Requestor and/or 3DS Server. When this field contains a SIRET Number, it is the one of the Merchant (or other entity for which Cardholder authentication is necessary) as identified by the Cardholder when initiating the transaction.

3DS Requestor Name:

  • If the Merchant Name field is present in AReq, then 3DS Requestor Name should have the same value as the Merchant Name field.
  • If the Merchant Name field is NOT present in AReq, then 3DS Requestor Name should be the Commercial name of the 3DS Requestor.

3DS Requestor Name is the Merchant's business name which will be displayed to the cardholder on the ACS Challenge interface and it's therefore strongly recommended to configure a clean, known name which corresponds well to the purchase in order to reassure the cardholder and maximise the conversion rate.


3DS Requestor ID needs to be the Merchant ID if the request is initiated from a specific merchant.

The merchant name shall be accurately submitted in English. An Acquirer shall ensure that each Merchant has a unique Merchant ID which also applies to merchants in China.

Technically, UnionPay DS does not validate 3DS Requestor Name and ID.


Mada Scheme certified 3DS Servers are responsible for configuring their associated 3DS Requestors and shall therefore be responsible for registering/assigning/maintaining the EMV 3DS Requestor ID (threeDSRequestorID) at their discretion in terms of whether they use the existing assigned 3DS Requestor ID or if they assign new 3DS Requestor ID for mada.