
3DS Server and 3DS Server Admin application can be configured to use OpenSearch to store and search transaction logs history. Using OpenSearch as a log storage instead of SQL is advised in case of high number of incoming transactions.

Advantages of using OpenSearch

  • Text search - faster search time than SQL databases
  • Transaction logs can be accessed through OpenSearch Dashboards, which will give flexibility for evaluating and aggregation of the transaction information.
  • OpenSearch is a common service on major cloud providers and can be easily configured.


OpenSearch Client is compatible with 1.x/2.x OpenSearch server.


The following sections give an overview of the OpenSearch configuration required for both 3DS Server and 3DS Server Admin applications. Please see the Properties page for the 3DS Server and 3DS Server Admin for more details.

3DS Server Configuration

With the following configuration the 3DS Server will store incoming transaction logs in OpenSearch.

  • property must include opensearch. The property can accept multiple values.
  • opensearch.uris property must point to running OpenSearch server. (ex. http://localhost:9200/)
  • property indicating whether the actuator health endpoint should include/exclude OpenSearch related details.

3DS Admin Configuration

With the following configuration the 3DS Admin application will use the OpenSearch storage for searching the transaction logs in the Admin UI.

  • must have value opensearch. The property can accept only one value.
  • opensearch.uris property must point to running OpenSearch server. (ex. http://localhost:9200/)
  • property indicating whether the actuator health endpoint should include/exclude OpenSearch related details.

Migration from Elasticsearch

OpenSearch is a fork of Elasticsearch, so the migration process is generally straightforward. You can migrate your indices following official OpenSearch documentation. Netcetera 3DS Server unofficially supported OpenSearch Server 1.0 to 1.3 as a transaction storage before version. This means you can migrate your data and start using OpenSearch before planning to upgrade the 3DS Server to major version.