3DS Server Database Configuration

The 3DS Server provides an Admin Web application which allows configuration across instances of 3-D Secure entities only if the 3DS Server configuration is persisted in database.

Timeouts and URL configuration

The Timeout and URL tab allows configuration of URLs for communication between the DS, 3DS Server and PSP as well as the 3DS Server Timeouts for different message types.

In case of any not configured 3DS Server timeout via the UI, the Admin application will internaly resolve default values.

Schemes configuration

The Schemes tab allows configuration of Scheme related information (Scheme ID and DS configuration).

Acquirers configuration

The Acquirers tab allows configuration of Acquirer related information (Acquirer Name, Acquirer BIN configuration, DS configuration).

In case of any not configured Directory Server per Acquirer Bin via the UI, the Admin application will internaly resolve it from its corresponding Scheme.

Merchants configuration

The Merchants tab allows configuration of Merchant related information (Merchant Name, Merchant acquirer information, DS configuration).

In case of any not configured Directory Server per Merchant Acquirer via the UI, the Admin application will internaly resolve it from its corresponding Acquirer Bin.

Certificate Stores configuration

The Certificate Stores tab allows configuration of the client and trust certificates.

Adding certificate store in Java KeyStore (JKS) format

The Add keystore button allows importing certificate store by entering the certificate store name, certificate store password and uploading the certificate keystore in Java KeyStore (JKS) format.

Creating empty certificate store

The Add keystore button allows creating empty certificate store by entering a certificate store name and password, without selecting a keystore file.

Generating Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for an existing client certificate renewal

The Generate CSR for renewal button will download a Certificate Signing Request (certificate-alias.csr) file for an existing certificate renewal.

Generating Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for a new certificate

The Generate new CSR button will open a form requesting several certificate related information (Certificate alias, Common Name, Organization, Organization Unit, Location, State and Country) in order a new Certificate Signing Request to be generated. The algorithm for the CSR generation is always RSA with 2048 key size. The initial validity of the certificate is 90 days. Submitting the form will import an initial (not signed) certificate in the keystore and a Certificate Signing Request for it will be downloaded.

Importing signed certificate in the certificate store

Once a CSR is signed by a Certificate Authority (CA), the signed certificate can be imported in the keystore by clicking the Import signed certificate button. A signed certificate can be imported for an already existing certificate alias or a new one. The certificates that were used to sign the certificate (CA certificate, root CA certificate and/or any in between in the certificate chain) should be imported as trusted before importing the signed client certificate.

Importing trust certificate in the certificate store

By clicking the Import trust certificate button a trust certificate can be imported in the keystore.

Exporting certificate store in Java KeyStore (JKS) format

The Export Keystore button will export the certificate store in Java KeyStore (JKS) format.