Netcetera 3DS Server 2 - Release Notes - Version

Published: 25.06.2020

Version is a minor release of the Netcetera 3DS Server 2.

For documentation about this release please refer to the documentation site.

Be informed that prior to upgrading to a Netcetera 3DS Server 2.2.x version and rolling out to production, you need to get in contact with both American Express and Diners schemes. You need to get in contact with Diners for enrollment of the merchants using the new reference number due to a specific Diners process of relating merchants to 3DS Server reference number on their systems. For American Express, you need to contact them via Amexenabled platform and request registration of the new reference number.

Furthermore, be informed that we’re planning to deprecate the following DB versions within the next three months:

  • PostgreSQL 9.5 (next minimum supported is 9.6)
  • MySQL 5.7 (next minimum supported is 8.0.13)
  • Oracle 12.0c (next minimum supported is 19c)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (next minimum supported is 2016)

In addition, EhCache version 2 that we are currently using is no longer updated by EhCache. Therefore, we would need to update to EhCache 3.


This version is backwards compatible with previous 2.2.x.x versions of the Netcetera 3DS Server.


  • Replace the transaction_log table composite key with a new UUID column.
  • Transaction search improvements
    • Extended transaction_log table with calculated purchase amount column. Calculation is done by the following formula:

      Calculated Purchase Amount = purchaseAmount / (10 ^ (purchaseExponent))

      where the purchaseAmount and purchaseExponent field are taken from the Authentication Request. The transaction search is improved by searching in the calculated purchase amount.

    • Added greater than / less than purchase amount search filter.
    • Added purchase currency filter.
  • The 3DS 1.0 / UPOP API can process an acquirer bin value which is not required to be registered in 3DSS configuration.
  • Allow configuring 3DS 1.0 Directory Server / UPOP Server credentials on the level of Scheme.
  • 3DS 1.0 API does not require XID in PaReqCreation request, the 3DS Server generates one.
  • UPOP API does not require OrderId in AuthReqCreationRequest request, the 3DS Server generates one.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug on editing 3DS 1 / UPOP Directory Server credential password.
  • Fixed bug on consecutive preparation requests with same 3DS Server transaction ID.