Netcetera 3DS Server 2 - Release Notes - Version

Published: 08.04.2020

Version is a minor release of the Netcetera 3DS Server 2.

Be informed that prior to upgrading to a Netcetera 3DS Server 2.2.x version, you need to get in contact with Diners for enrollment of the merchants using the new reference number, due to a specific Diners process of relating merchants to 3DS Server reference number on their systems.


This version is backwards compatible with previous 2.2.x.x versions of the Netcetera 3DS Server.

Important notification

In version the transaction_log and history_transaction_log tables' primary key is changed to a composite key of (threedss_transaction_id, message_type). Be sure not to have null values in these two columns, nor duplicates of the (threedss_transaction_id, message_type) pair before the upgrade to any 2.2.* version.


New Features

  • Add-on feature for 3DS 1.0 / Union Pay UPOP support
    • The 3DS Server now handles 3DS 1.0 / Union Pay UPOP transactions. This is an add-on feature available upon customer request, available only with the advanced mode of 3DS configuration - database persisted configuration. Find more information about the feature in the 3DS 1.0 / Union Pay API.
  • Add-on feature for multiple organizations support
    • The 3DS Server is now able to support multiple organizations configurations. Therefore, single 3DS Server instance can handle multiple organizations 3D-Secure transactions. This is an add-on feature available upon customer request, available only with the advanced mode of 3DS configuration - database persisted configuration. Find more information about the feature in the 3DS Server Multiple Organizations Support.
  • The 3DS Server Results Request endpoint is updated to require the 3DS Server transaction ID as a path variable. The 3DS Server Results Request handling service is now mapped under /3ds/results-request/threeDSServerTransID. Therefore, the 3DS Server will append the 3DS Server transaction ID to the configured 'threeDSServerUrl' when building the Authentication Request.


  • Change in the 3DS Server message versions handling - In case when the 3DS Server detects validation issue on the authentication request, it won't fallback to the next supported version and check whether the validation will pass with it, but notify the Requestor about the validation failure and do not forward the message to the Directory Server. Fallback to a version will only happen if the preferred message version is not supported. Find more information in the 3DS Authentication API.
  • Upgrade of Java MySql Connector to version 8.0.19