Netcetera 3DS Server - Release Notes - Version


Published: 09.03.2020

Version is a major release of the Netcetera 3DS Server.

For documentation about this release please refer to the documentation site.

Be informed that prior to upgrading to a Netcetera 3DS Server 2.2.x version, you need to get in contact with Diners for enrollment of the merchants using the new reference number, due to a specific Diners process of relating merchants to 3DS Server reference number on their systems.


This version is NOT backwards compatible with previous versions of the Netcetera 3DS Server.

Important notification

The Netcetera 3DS Server supports Java 11. Java 8 is now deprecated and compatibility has been dropped with this release. Please ensure you have migrated your environment to Java 11 before installing this version.

The Netcetera 3DS Server and Netcetera 3DS Server Admin applications are obfuscated and may produce obfuscated code. If your systems analyze the logs, this change may affect the analysis.

In version the transaction_log and history_transaction_log tables' primary key is changed to a composite key of (threedss_transaction_id, message_type). Be sure not to have null values in these two columns, nor duplicates of the (threedss_transaction_id, message_type) pair before the upgrade to any 2.2.* version.

Upgrade notes

  • This release introduces new configuration properties for the Netcetera 3DS Server application. For detailed documentation please refer to the 3DS Server configuration properties.

Here is an example of included changes:

New configuration properties that should be configured:


  • This release also introduces new configuration properties and changes to existing configuration properties for the Netcetera 3DS Server Admin application. For detailed documentation please refer to the 3DS Server Admin configuration properties.

Here is an example of included changes:

New admin configuration properties that should be configured:

Existing admin configuration properties that should be changed:




New Features

  • Added support for EMV 3DS protocol version 2.2.0. The Netcetera 3DS Server is certified with EMV 3DS v2.2.0 protocol version.
    • The 3DS Server periodically checks if a Scheme Directory Server started supporting EMV 3DS v2.2.0.
    • The 3DS Server API is being updated to support EMV 3DS v2.2.0 specific message fields
      • New fields in the Versioning Response
        • highestCommonSupportedProtocolVersion
      • New fields in the Authentication Request
        • preferredProtocolVersion
        • enforcePreferredProtocolVersion
        • threeDSRequestorDecReqInd
        • threeDSRequestorDecMaxTime
        • whiteListStatus
        • browserJavascriptEnabled

Find more information in the 3DS Versioning API and 3DS Authentication API.

  • New Validate and Reload button introduced for manually pushing configuration changes from the Admin application to running 3DS Server instances instead of reloading them automatically. If the changes result in a invalid configuration, the 3DS Server won't reload it and old values will be applied.


  • Redesigned the 3DS Server Admin application and its navigation menu to provide a better overview of large amounts of data and an improved user experience.
  • Extended transaction search by protocol version
  • Updated to jQuery version 3.4.1

Deprecation warning

The configuration field sendPReqVersion22 in the XML configuration is deprecated. The application will no longer use this configuration value. This field will be removed in the next release. The same configuration is deprecated for the Netcetera 3DS Server Admin application and in the next release the configuration column will be removed.