NDM Simulator Operation Manual

Starting/Stopping the NDM Simulator

Use the 3dsdemoctl script to start or stop the Netcetera Demo Merchant Simulator.

Run the script with the -h option to learn about the available options and commands:


The NDM Simulator application uses TLSv1.2 client and root certificates stored in Java KeyStore (JKS) format. Keystore files, once created and populated, need to be referenced for usage under configuration properties found in the $NDM_SIMULATOR_HOME/conf/.

For details on the available configuration properties please consult the 3DS 2.x, 3DS 1.0 and UPOP simulator configuration documentation.

The certificates are used for:

  • securing the connection when simulating 3DS 2.x Results Request messages sent to the 3DS Server
  • signing content in the 3DS 2.x Authentication Response
  • signing content in the 3DS 1.0 Payer Authentication Response
  • signing content in the UPOP Authentication Response

For creating and managing keystores, Java keytool is used. The keytool is part of the Java Development Kit (JDK).

The keytool expects certificates to be imported in either DER format or PEM format (Base64 encoded DER format).

In order the create and populate the keystore files follow the steps:

  • Generate Certificate Authority (CA)
  • Generate Client Certificate Request

  • Sign Client Certificate
  • Import CA and Client Certificate in keystore

  • Generate certificate used by 3DS 2.x ACS simulator used for signing content in the Authentication Response

  • Generate certificate used by 3DS 1.0 ACS simulator to sign the content of Payer Authentication Response (PARes)

  • Generate certificate used by UPOP Server simulator to sign the content of a Authentication Response

  • Configure 3DS Server configuration to use the keystore

Once created the keystore, visit the 3DS Server documentation on how to configure the 3DS Server to use the already created keystore when communicating with the NDM Simulator as a Directory Server. Additionally, the configuration properties found in the $NDM_SIMULATOR_HOME/conf/ need to be updated.

For details on the available configuration properties please consult the

3DS 2.x, 3DS 1.0 and UPOP simulator configuration documentation.