UPOP Server NDM Simulator Configuration

Authentication Response

Possible types of the UPOP Server Authentication Response are listed below:

  • TRANSACTION_STATUS_Y - VALID_RESPONSE, "Transaction status Y: Transaction is successful"
  • TRANSACTION_STATUS_A - VALID_RESPONSE, "Transaction status A: Attempt Authentication"
  • TRANSACTION_STATUS_F - ERROR_RESPONSE, "Transaction status F: Authentication Failed"
  • TRANSACTION_STATUS_L - ERROR_RESPONSE, "Transaction status L: Authentication Failed (prohibited card)"
  • TRANSACTION_STATUS_N - ERROR_RESPONSE, "Transaction status N: Non-authentication mode used"
  • TRANSACTION_FAILED_CODE_01 - ERROR_RESPONSE, "Error 01: Transaction failed"
  • TRANSACTION_FAILED_CODE_10 - ERROR_RESPONSE, "Error 10: Message format error"
  • TRANSACTION_FAILED_CODE_31 - ERROR_RESPONSE, "Error 31: Merchant status incorrect"
  • TRANSACTION_FAILED_CODE_64 - ERROR_RESPONSE, "Error 64: The balance on your card is insufficient"
  • TRANSACTION_FAILED_CODE_67 - ERROR_RESPONSE, "Error 67: You have entered your PIN too many times"
  • TRANSACTION_FAILED_CODE_99 - ERROR_RESPONSE, "Error 99: General error"
  • MISSING_ROOT - INVALID_RESPONSE, "Response with a missing root element."
  • MISSING_MESSAGE - INVALID_RESPONSE, "Response with a missing message element."
  • MISSING_RESP_CODE - INVALID_RESPONSE, "Response with a missing response code"
  • MISSING_RESP_MSG - INVALID_RESPONSE, "Response with a missing response message"
  • MISSING_AUTHENTICATION_STATUS - INVALID_RESPONSE, "Response with a missing authentication message"
  • NON_MATCHING_AMOUNT - INVALID_RESPONSE, "Response with a non-matching amount"
  • NON_MATCHING_CURRENCY - INVALID_RESPONSE, "Response with a non-matching currency"

Authentication Status Inquiry Response

Possible types of a UPOP Server Authentication Status Inquiry Response are listed below:

  • INQUIRY_STATUS_Y - VALID_RESPONSE, "Inquiry status Y: Transaction is successful"
  • INQUIRY_STATUS_A - VALID_RESPONSE, "Inquiry status A: Attempt Authentication"

Configuration Properties

The NDM Simulator allows external configuration of the simulated:

  • Authentication Response
  • Authentication Status Inquiry Response

per account number.

In order to configure the type of a response that should be provided in these two cases, use the upop-simulator-config.properties configuration file in the $NDM_SIMULATOR_HOME/conf.

If the card is not present in the configuration file, the default Authentication Response is TRANSACTION_STATUS_F and the default Authentication Status Inquiry Response is INQUIRY_STATUS_Y.

The NDM simulator is signing the content of a response. The signing certificate store location, alias and password must be configured here as well.

An example configuration is listed below:
