UPOP Server NDM Simulator Configuration

Authentication Response

Possible types of the UPOP Server Authentication Response are listed below:

  • TRANSACTION_STATUS_Y - VALID_RESPONSE, "Transaction status Y: Transaction is successful"
  • TRANSACTION_STATUS_A - VALID_RESPONSE, "Transaction status A: Attempt Authentication"
  • TRANSACTION_STATUS_F - ERROR_RESPONSE, "Transaction status F: Authentication Failed"
  • TRANSACTION_STATUS_L - ERROR_RESPONSE, "Transaction status L: Authentication Failed (prohibited card)"
  • TRANSACTION_STATUS_N - ERROR_RESPONSE, "Transaction status N: Non-authentication mode used"
  • TRANSACTION_FAILED_CODE_01 - ERROR_RESPONSE, "Error 01: Transaction failed"
  • TRANSACTION_FAILED_CODE_10 - ERROR_RESPONSE, "Error 10: Message format error"
  • TRANSACTION_FAILED_CODE_31 - ERROR_RESPONSE, "Error 31: Merchant status incorrect"
  • TRANSACTION_FAILED_CODE_64 - ERROR_RESPONSE, "Error 64: The balance on your card is insufficient"
  • TRANSACTION_FAILED_CODE_67 - ERROR_RESPONSE, "Error 67: You have entered your PIN too many times"
  • TRANSACTION_FAILED_CODE_99 - ERROR_RESPONSE, "Error 99: General error"
  • MISSING_ROOT - INVALID_RESPONSE, "Response with a missing root element."
  • MISSING_MESSAGE - INVALID_RESPONSE, "Response with a missing message element."
  • MISSING_RESP_CODE - INVALID_RESPONSE, "Response with a missing response code"
  • MISSING_RESP_MSG - INVALID_RESPONSE, "Response with a missing response message"
  • MISSING_AUTHENTICATION_STATUS - INVALID_RESPONSE, "Response with a missing authentication message"
  • NON_MATCHING_AMOUNT - INVALID_RESPONSE, "Response with a non-matching amount"
  • NON_MATCHING_CURRENCY - INVALID_RESPONSE, "Response with a non-matching currency"

Authentication Status Inquiry Response

Possible types of a UPOP Server Authentication Status Inquiry Response are listed below:

  • INQUIRY_STATUS_Y - VALID_RESPONSE, "Inquiry status Y: Transaction is successful"
  • INQUIRY_STATUS_A - VALID_RESPONSE, "Inquiry status A: Attempt Authentication"

Configuration Properties

The NDM Simulator allows external configuration of the simulated:

  • Authentication Response
  • Authentication Status Inquiry Response

per account number.

In order to configure the type of a response that should be provided in these two cases, use the upop-simulator-config.properties configuration file in the $NDM_SIMULATOR_HOME/conf.

If you are using a multi-tenant setup, the response type can be defined on organization level. In this case, the configuration contains the organization ID and is defined as follows:

  • A response configuration for status inquiry consists of the organization ID, an underscore as delimiter and an order id.
  • A response configuration for auth response consists of the organization ID, an underscore as delimiter and a pan (primary account number).

Please note that if you choose to use configurations on organization level, the NDM Simulator would need to receive the specific organization ID in the request header. This is done by activating the ds.send.org.id=true flag in the 3DS Server application.propertiess. Furthermore, you will have to include the organization ID in the header of the auth request that you send directly to the simulator (ACS). The header name is 3DS-Organization-ID.

The NDM Simulator tries to retrieve a configuration which matches the organization ID and the order id or respectively the pan. If no configuration is found, the NDM Simulator will look for global configurations with no organization ID but matching order id/pan. If the card is not present in the configuration file, the default Authentication Response is TRANSACTION_STATUS_F and the default Authentication Status Inquiry Response is INQUIRY_STATUS_Y.

The NDM simulator is signing the content of a response. The signing certificate store location, alias and password must be configured here as well.

An example configuration is listed below:

# configuration on global level
# configuration on organization level