Netcetera Demo Merchant - Release Notes - Version

Published: 06.07.2020

Version is a minor release of the Netcetera Demo Merchant.


This version is fully backwards compatible with previous versions of the Netcetera Demo Merchant.


New features

  • Added merchant whitelisting possibility during challenge. Find more information under 3DS 2.x NDM Simulator configuration.
  • Introduced new authentication response simulation indicating challenge for device channel 3RI.


  • Send results request having message version set same as the previously exchanged authentication request and response.
  • Adapt simulated preparation responses to have same message version as the received preparation requests.
  • Adapt NDM Simulator Requestor UI to generate new 3DS Server Transaction ID with each transaction.
  • Enable 3DS 1 PaReq payload to be received in JSON format.

Bug Fixes

  • Return masked PAN in the simulated 3DS 1 PARes instead of masked account id.